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south african history archive • south african history online • south african institute for conservation • south african museum association
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the observation post • the old wynberg village society • the oukloof riebeek legacy • towards a new age partnership • tracing history trust
transcending history tours • uct digital collections • vernacular architecture society of south africa • weskus heritage
association of professional heritage practitioners
Heritage Practitioners with a specialist understanding of heritage matters, and may include Architects, Urban Designers, Planners and Landscape Architects with a specific focus on conservation; Historians; Archaeologists; Paleontologists; Anthropologists; Art Historians; Museologists; Objects Conservators; and Researchers. www.aphp.org.za cape town heritage trust strives to conserve the architectural, cultural and natural heritage of Cape Town and its environs for the benefit of the inhabitants of the City and of the nation at large. www.heritage.org.za heritage association of south africa The Heritage Association of South Africa, was established in 1959 and is currently the largest and oldest non-governmental (NGO) organisation involved in heritage conservation. www.heritagesa.org heritage sites A list of sites in the Western Cape http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_heritage_sites_in_Western_Cape heritage western cape www.hwc.co.za www.westerncape.gov.za/public-entity/heritage-western-cape with downloadable documents (applications, notifications, code of conduct, etc). www.heritageportal.co.za/organisation/heritage-western-cape simon van der stel foundation The Simon van der Stel Foundation was founded on 8 April 1959 at a ceremony at the Castle, to promote conservation of South Africa’s National Heritage – this included buildings, sites, townscapes, squares, objects and environments. The Cape Town Branch was formed in the same year and has been actively involved over the years in preserving old buildings. The foundation takes an active part in promoting Cape Town's history and heritage. www.simonvdstel.org the genealogical society of south africa - eGSSA eGSSA, founded in 2004, is the virtual branch of the Genealogical Society of South Africa, and provides a virtual home for everyone from the beginner to the most advanced family historian. www.eggsa.org the african rock art digital archive The largest rock art digital archive in the world bringing together the collections of more than 30 institutions and individuals, giving access to more than 270,000 digital images. www.sarada.co.za towards a new age of partnership (TANAP) How did the earth's peoples, cultures, economies, and polities become so closely interconnected? When did our world become 'global' and what vital role did Asia and Africa play at the centre of this new international community? www.tanap.net atlantic rail A non-profit organisation providing a unique experience for the railway enthusiast, as will as information on the heritage of rail in the Cape. www.atlanticrail.co.za drakenstein heemkring The Drakenstien Heemkring is a privately owned photographic and documentary archive, and it s primary function is to serve as a resource centre for the residents of Paarl and its surrounding towns. www.drakensteinheemkring.co.za knysna historical society The Knysna Historical Society has its roots in the Friends of Millwood House, founded to preserve and protect historical records and artefacts of old Knysna, and was established in 2002. The Society now also aims to protect heritage buildings and historic sites of Knysna. www.historycape.co.za national archives and records service of south africa Home of South African documentary heritage with nine million public records growing . . . www.nationalarchives.gov.za www.national.archives.gov.za arid areas research programme (AARDVARK) The programme focuses on socio-economic development in the arid areas, the under developed hinterland of South Africa, Botswana and Namibia. www.aridareas.co.za uct digital collections UCT Libraries Digital Collections represent a selection of material available through UCT’s archival holdings. www.digitalcollections.lib.uct.ac.za early electricity in south africa The early years of electricity in the country. www.eskom.co.za/sites/heritage/Pages/early-years.aspx south african archaeological society The Society promotes archaeological research in southern Africa and makes the results available to its members and the public through lectures, outings, tours and publications. www.archaeologysa.co.za green point burial grounds The archaeology of the GPBG: photographs of sites and artefacts, maps and plans, historical and more recent documents, excavation reports and publications of this important area. www.greenpointburialgrounds.co.za maropeng cradle of humankind It is one of eight World Heritage Sites in South Africa and is widely recognised as the place from which all of humankind originated. The site has unearthed the best evidence of the complex journey which our species has taken to make us what we are. www.maropeng.co.za living with apartheid in the shadow of table mountain The good, the bad and the ugly memory lane of life on the Cape Flats. www.shadleyfataarwriter.com soul of a railway A project to convey to future generations the essence of a once magnificent transport network in South Africa - the South African Railways - SAR. www.sites.google.com/site/soulorailway/home city of cape town maps www.citymaps.capetown.gov.za cape town heritage Cape Town monuments, landmarks, heritage sites, commemorative plaques, museums. www.cape-town-heritage.co.za the heritage portal A news and information platform for the South African heritage sector. www.theheritageportal.co.za cape town history This tourist guide is a chronology of key dates in the history of Cape Town. www.capetownhistory.com kalk bay historical society The Kalk Bay Historical Association was founded in 1995. Our area of interest focuses on the villages of St. James and Kalk Bay, but incorporates the wider South Peninsula. www.kbha.co.za hermanus history society The Hermanus History Society works towards becoming the premier source of information concerning the history of the greater Hermanus area (from Voelklip to Fisherhaven), the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley and selected inland rural areas. www.hermanus-history-society.co.za |
stellenbosch heritage foundation
promotes sustainable heritage conservation and innovative architecture and urban design. The best contemporary design will endure as our future collective heritage. www.stellenboschheritage.co.za south african history Heritage and identity. www.southafrica.info/about/history south african history online www.sahistory.org.za the heritage portal Articles and notices of contemporary heritage issues, news, book reviews and organisations. www.heritageportal.co.za south african heritage resources agency (SAHRA) The South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) is tasked in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act (No. 25 of 1999) to establish and maintain an inventory of the national estate. www.sahra.org.za vernacular architecture society of south africa (VASSA) VASSA is a voluntary organisation that aims to support the study and preservation of vernacular architecture in South Africa. It’s Cape Town based, not for profit, and run by members in their spare time. www.vassa.org.za south african institute for conservation The primary aim of the Institute is to generate and foster expertise in the restoration and conservation of historic architecture, stone, mortar, metals, ceramics, textiles and paper. A secondary function is the Institute's experienced field unit, the Heritage Conservation Group, which performs highly specialised conservation services for the built environment. www.sainst.org bridges not barriers ‘Bridges not Barriers’ is a campaign spearheaded by the Bo-Kaap Civic and Ratepayers Association to resist inappropriate and insensitive development in the Bo-Kaap. www.bridgesnotbarriers.co.za south african vernacular architecture Dedicated to the promotion of an important part of culture, vernacular architecture. www.southafricavernaculararchitecture.com weskus heritage Information regarding heritage in the Swartland West Coast Region; routes, guidelines and blog. www.weskusheritage.org the archival platform The Archival platform is a civil society initiative committed to deepening democracy through the use of memory and archives as dynamic public resources. www.archivalplatform.org cts heritage CTS Heritage, based in Cape Town, South Africa, has four full-time heritage specialists, and is supported by CTS's software team for database solutions, Apps and other tech innovations. www.ctsheritage.com national heritage council The National Heritage Council of South Africa is a statutory body that is responsible for the preservation of the country’s heritage. Since its existence it has managed to place heritage as a priority for nation building and national identity. www.nhc.org.za the south african history archive SAHA is an independent human rights archive dedicated to documenting, supporting and promoting greater awareness of past and contemporary struggles for justice through archival practices and outreach, and the utilisation of access to information laws. www.saha.org.za international mission photography archive Historical images from Protestant and Catholic missionary collections in Britain, Norway, Germany, France, Switzerland, and the US, from mid 19th to mid 20th century, of missionary activities around the world. www.digitallibrary.usc.edu mountain passes of south africa Mountain Passes South Africa is dedicated to the research, documentation, photographing and filming of the mountain passes of South Africa. www.mountainpassessouthafrica.co.za jewish digital archive project The JDAP is a project undertaken by the South African Jewish Museum to preserve the social history of the Southern African Jewish community. www.jdap.co.za the observation post South African contemporary military history. www.samilhistory.com the old wynberg village society Wynberg Village is an urban conservation area with unique mixed use and heritage value in Cape Town. www.oldwynbergvillagesociety.org south african museum association SAMA plays a crucial role in the preservation and management of heritage resources in South Africa and provides opportunities for participation and development in the museum field. www.samuseums.co.za de rust heritage Founded in 2008 by a number of residents who were concerned about preserving the unique Heritage of De Rust. www.derustheritage.org.za point of human origins A world renowned archaeological site with early evidence for modern human behaviour. Mossel Bay, South Africa. www.humanorigin.co.za the oukloof legacy The story of the Ouklowers – the surviving members of the Oukloof community in Riebeek Kasteel, forcibly removed from their homes in 1965. www.oukloof.riebeeklegacy.org transcending history tours Not just a tour. This is treading on ancestral ground, healing, light work. www.transcendinghistorytours.com tracing history trust Capturing traces of mutual heritage from archival, documentary, archaeological, oral and architectural resources. www.tracinghistorytrust.co.za kramats (circle of saints) A record of kramats around Cape Town. www.flickr.com historical publications southern africa (formerly the Van Riebeeck Society) was founded in 1918 with the purpose of making primary sources available in a readable and enjoyable form to anyone interested in southern African history. www.hipsa.org.za knysna museums Knysna's fascinating past - and its fascinating people and their environment - in the local museums. www.knysnamuseums.co.za stellenbosch heemkring The Stellenbosch Heemkring is a cultural organisation for persons with an interest in the collection, preservation and release of material of cultural historical significance for all local cultures of Stellenbosch as town and district. www.heemkringstellenbosch.org.za |